The bed of the river lay largely in the shadows cast by the great trees that grew along its sides. Slowly the two children wandered downstream, jumping from rock to rock. Now and then they startled a vulture, which rose at their approach like a huge cinder, swaying clumsily in the air while they walked by, to realight in the same spot a moment later. There was a particular place that he wanted to show her, where the river widened and had sandy shores, but it lay a good way downstream, so that it took them a long time to get there. When they arrived, the sun's light was golden and the insects had begun to call. On the hill, invisible behind the thick wall of trees, the soldiers were having machine-gun practice: the blunt little berries of sound came in clusters at irregular intervals. Nicho rolled his trouser legs up high above his knees and waded well out into the shallow stream. "Wait!" he called to her. Bending, he scooped up a handful of sand from the river bed. His attitude as he brought it back for her to see was so triumphant that she caught her breath, craned her neck to see it before he arrived. "What is it?" she asked.
"Look! Silver!" he said, dropping the wet sand reverently into her outstretched palm. The tiny grains of mica glistened in the late sunlight.
"Qué precioso!" she cried in delight. They sat on some roots by the water. When the sand was drier, she poured it carefully into the pocket of her dress.
"What are you going to do with it?" he asked her.
"Give it to my grandfather."
"No, no!" he exclaimed. "You don't give away silver. You hide it. Don't you have a place where you hide things?"
Luz was silent; she never had thought of hiding anything. "No," she said presently, and she looked at him with admiration.
He took her hand. "I'll give you a special place in my garden where you can hide anything you want. But you must never tell anyone."
-- Paul Bowles, "Señor Ong and Señor Ha" from Collected Stories of Paul Bowles
Wednesday, July 20
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