Let us speak, then, of love. What else is there that is worth the time or effort? What do we love more, what provokes more love in us, than something elusive and beyond us, something impossible that we just cannot have? What better way to raise love up to a feverish pitch than to be told that what we love is impossible and always slips away? ... Deconstruction’s desire is not satisfied with what presents itself to us as real, for what it loves goes beyond what presents itself as real to an ultra-real for which we pray and weep, towards a hyper-real, something that is not less than real but more, not below the real but beyond.
-- John D. Caputo, "For Love of the Things Themselves: Derrida’s Hyper-Realism" Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory
by way of wood s lot
To Be Puzzled
3 hours ago